Jan Giliam
Welcome to my website. My name is Jan Giliam. I am an artist with a studio located in the heart of Amsterdam. I create drawings on paper, paintings on canvas, and objects made from fused glass and clay.

I enjoy collaborating with fellow artists. I frequently work simultaneously on large paintings with the Dutch artist collective CAPA and the Cabo Mondego Section of Portuguese Surrealism.

Furthermore, alongside my artistic career, I work as a certified life coach, specialising in providing tailored support for young adults navigating the challenges of the autism spectrum.
"Baleia Sonhadora", a glass object by Jan Giliam on display at a group exhibition in Portugal
from October 15th @ the Departamento de Cultura de Paredes, curated by Miguel de Carvalho

"Na mira dos Espelhos"
Anos do manifesto do surrealismo 1924-2024

Miguel de Carvalho is an artist known for his work in surrealism, poetry, and collage. He is also the founder of the publishing house DEBOUT SUR L'OEUF edições surrealistas.

Panther portrait 2010. Assemblage - 65x40cm. On display at Saint-Cirq-Lapopie.
Collaboration between Rik Lina, Dave Bobroske and Jan Giliam


From July 6 to September 7, 2024, the Paris Surrealist Group, in partnership with La Rose Impossible, is hosting the 19th International Surrealism Exhibition in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie.

Although part of the centenary of the Surrealist Manifesto, it aims to highlight the ongoing vitality of surrealism, following Breton's death in 1966, and in the spirit of past exhibitions from 1938 to 1976.

The exhibition will feature contemporary works by artists from Europe and the Americas, as well as art brut and singular art, which align with surrealism’s imaginative power.

"Marvelous Utopia" recalls surrealism’s revolutionary principles — transforming the world, changing life, and rethinking human understanding (André Breton) — and emphasizes the emancipatory power of imagination, opposing the notion that surrealism is merely an art movement.

Surrealism today aims to re-enchant utopia as a space for individual and collective happiness.

Centre International du Surréalisme et de la Citoyenneté Mondiale
Maisons André Breton et Émile Joseph-Rignault
Le Bourg, 46330, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie

A new performance by Jan Giliam and Rik Lina, dueling with
the surreal technique of automatically listening to voodoo music.
The studio in January 2024 showing 3 paintings made in collaboration with Rik Lina (CAPA, Collective Automatic Painting Amsterdam)
Two shells on a drawing, 2023


my most recent works on paper, 22 drawings, made in 2021 and 2022

"The City of Desire" Installation with Charcoal, Caribbean corals and shells on Paper.
Total area: 90 x 110 cm. Amsterdam NL, 8 July 2022.

The entrance of "The City of Desire" is situated near the rocks and tide pools at the Portuguese Cabo Mondego. Rik Lina and Jan Giliam, as members of the Cabo Mondego Section of Portuguese Surrealism, are the gatekeepers.

Los artistas holandeses Rik Lina y Jan Giliam y los portugueses Luiz Morgadinho, Cristina Vouga, Miguel de Carvalho, Alexandre Magno da Silva y Seixas Peixoto realizaron el 15 de junio 2022 una performance en el balcón de la Fundación Granell en Santiago de Compostella. Los artistas crearon dos obras conjuntamente. Dichas pinturas se originaron de forma automática, sin planes ni convenciones.

The Dutch artists Rik Lina and Jan Giliam and the Portuguese artists Luiz Morgadinho, Cristina Vouga, Miguel de Carvalho, Alexandre Magno da Silva, and Seixas Peixoto organised a performance on the balcony of the Granell Foundation in Santiago de Compostela on June 15, 2022. They made two large paintings on paper. These paintings were made collaboratively. There was neither a plan nor conventions whatsoever. The paintings originated by automatic drawing. The performance was made possible with funds of the Mondriaan Stichting and the Fundación Eduardo Granell.


5pm - 8pm Wednesday June 15 2022
Collective Automatic Painting
Jan Giliam, Miguel de Carvalho, Rik Lina
and friends

Praza do Toural
Santiago de Compostela


International Exhibition of Surrealism, 15 February to 2 March 2022, Cairo, Egypt

now on saatchi!


Open since June 5th 2021: Eight drawings for "Historama Wereld", Best (NL)


Haarlem, The Netherlands. May 2021. Commissioned by the Stichting Literair Haarlem, the collaborating artists Jan Giliam van Arkel and Jean-Paul Mombers created two murals.

met rik lina

Rik Lina and Jan Giliam, recent works on paper

"Collective Automatic Painting in Amsterdam"


"Imagining liberation"

May 2 - August 30 2020
Stichting Leger Diorama Wereld
Fort Honswijk, Houten
curator: Ben Gort


Sim à vida, não ao lítio
15 June 2019 Parque Natural da Estrela, Seia, Portugal

Em Pedra Dura
Tanto Perfura

Luiz Morgandinho & The Cabo Mondego Section of Portuguese Surrealism invited Rik Lina and Jan Giliam to paint together in the Parque Natural da Estrela (Portugal) to protest against the mining of Lithium in the park and to support the discussion on the severe environmental impacts induced by the processes and procedures of mineral exploration and extraction.



floorpainting in Michigan
April 2019 USA

gracias a John y Ana


Surrealismo Internacional published 4 new books on CAPA (Collective Automatic Painting Amsterdam)
made by Rik Lina in 2019. Check our collaborative work in 1996-1997, 1998-2008 and 2008-2018.

green man

Green Man

July 28 - August 26 2018, 2 to 6 pm
+ onwards by appointment
Exhibition of Green Men by Jan Giliam

3e Wittenburgerdwarsstraat 1-RII
1018KR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
RSVP giliam@xs4all.nl


CAPA Pop Up Gallery presents

Rik Lina + Jan Giliam
Collective Automatic Painting Amsterdam

7 April 2017, 2 to 6 pm
+ onwards by appointment
Exhibition of Collaborative Art by Rik Lina and Jan Giliam

3e Wittenburgerdwarsstraat 1-RII
1018KR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
RSVP giliam@xs4all.nl



Invitation Vicente Gandía vs Art

Monday 17th of July 2017 in Amsterdam
VIDA, Valeriusstraat 128B, 1075 GD Amsterdam NL


until 27 January 2017 in Figueira da Foz - Portugal
A Luz Dos Castelos Envidraçados


The group exhibition “Las llaves del deseo” is in Panamá until the end of this month
There are 3 drawings of Jan Giliam in the collection
Take a look in the catalogue

Cabo Mondego Section @ Buracas do Casmilo from jangiliam on Vimeo.


After a succesful exhibition in San José (Costa Rica) last spring, the expo Las Llaves del Deseo Surrealismo Internacional 2016 continues in La Biblioteca Nacional → catalogue